
The Neo icon family is a collection of symbols used to represent ideas, objects, and actions. They communicate content at a glance, provide interactivity, and draw attention to important information.

Interactive Playground

The Interactive Playground allows you to experiment with various icon styles and features. Once you get the results you want, copy the HTML or React code provided and paste it into your application.

aria-label="info icon"
class="neo-icon-info neo-icon--large"
aria-label="info icon"


Icons have a simple format, and are best accompanied by a text label. However, where there is insufficient space to include a label, the icon may appear by itself with the label moved into a tooltip.

Icon with graphic area pointed out
  • Icon:

    This is the graphic depiction of the associated action.
  • Label:

    Whenever there is enough room, a label should be included beside the icon to describe its function to the user.


Icons are used to visually convey the action taken when that element is selected. They communicate content at a glance, provide interactivity, and draw attention to important information. Icons should not be used simply for decoration.


All icons can take on any color in the Neo design system, but the associated text must use the same color. Stronger colors can make an important icon standout among other options, but don’t use too much color or the value is lost.

An icon and label in a single color

DO: Use a single color for the icon and its label.

An icon and label in different colors

DON'T: Do not use different colors on the icon and the label.


Whenever possible, icons should be accompanied by descriptive text since this better communicates each element's function than icons alone do. If there is not enough space for an icon to have text beside it, include a tooltip with the required text.

Icons with corresponding labels used in a Table

DO: Add a label next to an icon whenever possible.

An icon without a label and a Tooltip being displayed

DO: If there is insufficient space to add a label, put the text into a tooltip.

Status Indicator

Icon states are used to show the current status of a channel, device, or function (e.g. Which device is active, Connected/Not Connected).

A visual representation of all status indicators
An image of a phone icon with a green checkmark in the top right hand corner.

DO: Use the designated color associated with each status indicator

An image of a phone icon with a red checkmark in the top right hand corner.

DO: Do not make the status indicator and the channel icon to be the in the same color or use a different color than its designated color.


When icons are used with text, they should be aligned to the center of the first (or only) line of text. An icon always appears to the left of the text label.

A button and two icons aligned on the same horizontal axis


Icons come in 3 sizes. Use the largest size that best fits into the available space for your situation.

A large icon size 32 pixels
A medium icon size 24 pixels
A small icon size 216 pixels
